January 6th 2025 Membership Meeting

Windy City Amateur radio association
Minutes of January 6 2025 Election of Officers
and Board of Directors

Vice President Joshua KD9MXV called the meeting to order at 7:05 with an audio/video
check. He then shared the meeting’s agenda. Everyone around the table introduced themselves
as did those attending by remote. It was established we had a quorum and the meeting could
continue. 1st order of business was to establish 8:00 as the adjournment time. Next on the
agenda was the approval of bylaws. There was a proposed change that would allow non
licensed members to hold office with the caveat that they had no vote and must become
licensed within six months or resign. The proposed bylaws were approved with the change.
Next order of business was elections. Candidates were all running unopposed. Paper ballots
Were distributed to those in person and a poll was put online for the remote attendees. Results
Were as follows: For President Garett Murphy N9HXR. Vice President Joshua KD9MXV.
Treasurer Brian Freedman N9BF. Recording Secretary Joe Murphy Jr non-licensed. Board
Members were Charlie Ferreria W9CEF for two years. Don Gover KC9ZMY for two years.
Joshua Grubman K9TEA one year. Caelan Costigan non-licensed one year. A dice roll was used to
Determine whether each nominee was a one year or a two year term. The Trustee, which is an
Appointed position was Sam Clark KD9BRW. All Officers and Board members were given
Congratulations. Next order of business was Dues. after some discussion Dues were set at
$30.00 per Regular member. Family membership is $30.00 plus additional $10.00 for each
participating family members. All Dues will be prorated half year depending when you join. A
Motion was made by Garett N9HXR, seconded by David KE9BPC. Motion passed. Next up was
A proposed amendment to the Constitution to eliminate the Past President from the Executive
Committee. This was done to eliminate the possibility of ties in any vote. It was asked if there
was any discussion on the matter. There was none. The final vote on this will take place
February 3rd, 2025 at Pumping Station 1. Garett N9HXR made motion for adjournment,
Sam KD9BRW seconded the motion. Meeting was adjourned at 8:03.

Joseph Murphy Jr