Garett called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm. The first order of business was
Incorporation papers. Garett has talked to Kevin about signing the form from the
Secretary of State. Joshua said he had researched and found we could use a Board
member’s or the Club Address on the form. Garett talked to PS1 about using their
address, but their Board doesn’t allow that at this time. Brian asked about the use
of virtual mailboxes as they would scan your mail, then email it to you. Joshua
said he doubted the government would allow those just like USPS P.O. boxes. He
then suggested Garett’s for the time being and Brian agreed. Joshua said any
member could sign to change things in the future. Garett had talked to Kevin,
who was willing to transfer things so Garett was going to attempt to-do that the
coming week or weekend. Garett next brought up committees. He stated we
already had Repeater and Technology committees, but that he thought an
education committee would be needed. He thought all those who signed up for
the Technology committee to also man the Education committee. He named Sam,
Himself and all Board members. Joshua suggested separate committees for Digital
and RF Technology. He also thought Education should be a priority. Possibly
Ingrid, Sam, Garett, and Joshua. VEs were the next topic and who to use for
testing materials. The ARRL was not included due to them charging for them
when others donate them. It was brought up that Brian’s son who would be
working for the ARRL beginning in February might be willing to give seminars or
talks at either Board or Membership meetings.
Garett brought up changing the meeting nights as it was tough for both
member and the Board. Tuesdays were suggested as it would also allow us to
partake in PS1 events without conflict. This would mean the need for another
change to the By-Laws; however, we want things easier for the members. Charlie
thought we could add wording to the By-Laws, i.e. At the discretion of the Board
to alter meeting dates. Garett then asked if there was anything to be discussed
that had not already brought up. Charlie asked where net controllers fit in the
scheme of things, Garett noted there was a channel on Discord for that. Joshua
thought that fell under the Trustee’s purview. Sam and Garett are taking the
reins, with Brian and Charlie possibly joining them. Garett brought the use of the
Chicago Area Net Directory which listed all nets in the area. We have our net time
from SARA and we could check to see if there are other times available. He said
he talks regularly with K9XD and was going to investigate moving there or
running a net there as well. It would be analog but that’s okay. For SARA we
contact Neil AA9KK. Our Sunday Nets are DMR, YSF, Echolink, and ALLSTAR Link.
Garett has a XLX and P25 reflector he needs to get set up. Sam was asked about
Ham.Live and He stated he liked it. Garett uses Netlogger. Sam and Garett both
would like a database to list with CSV that would be user searchable. Will alluded
the possibility of using his Yaesu repeater. Joshua has an MTR 2000 that is UHF
and does multiband digital. Joshua would like to see a repeater for 900, 220, and
6m but needs rare radios such as the Alinco that was commercially available or
commercially modified radios. Garett asked if there was any other discussion,
and there being none adjourned the meeting with five minutes or so to spare