The President, Garett, called the meeting to order at 7:34. First order of business was taking of attendance. Joshua KD9MXV, Garett N9HXR, Sam KD9BRW, Cae, Joe KE9CMR, Brian N9BF, Don KC9ZMY, Josh G K9TEA were in attendance, no Charlie W9CEF this time around. President asked if everyone got the minutes as they had been sent out and if there were any corrections to the minutes. It seems there were possibly some grammatical mistakes, so there was talk about returning the Secretary to High School. Garett had sent out wrong minutes which he rectified while the meeting continued. Next order of business was declaration of Agent paperwork. This would detail the change of Agent from Kevin Suddoff Sr and his address to Garett Murphy and his address. This would be signed by the Secretary, and Garett as the registered Agent. It was brought up by Joshua KD9MXV that once we got it drawn up, He could take it to Kevin’s to get it signed. Garett explained that Kevin had been talked to over a month ago and was not returning Garett’s calls. It was decided that We would do it by an action of the Board. Joshua KD9MXV brought up that Our Name was Misspelled in the original Papers and We need to correct that. Garett showed an amendment to the Corporation papers with both the misspelling and correct spelling. Garett asked how we should list members of the board on the forms. Joshua stated we should put the names of Cae, Charlie, Don and Josh G and have todays date and Garett will check with the state as to whether he alone can sign or if we need other’s signatures and will then get those signatures if needed. Garett asked if there were any questions on any of the forms He showed. Joshua KD9MXV stated He thought the new forms will take care of both the name correction and the Agent change. Cae expressed, that she thought it was a lot to ask of Garett to run around to get signatures, but it was brought up we could do it at the next meeting or have Joe KE9CMR take it to Don. Don said he was in the Loop three days a week and Brian lives in the Loop. So, it shouldn’t be a problem. If Garett alone can sign, He will or we’ll do it at next meeting. That took care of agenda points 2,3, and 4. Number five Garett filched from a list given to Him by Sam. They were, number one, our Call Sign. Garett searched and found that W9CRS is available. Joshua asked why not WC9ARS, and was told that it was a special sign and not given out. Everyone agreed it would have been nice to get that one but, it is what it is. Garett had watched a video that explained that WC call signs were special and in fact anyone who had been given one were going to get them revoked. Garett asked Sam to start that procedure to get a club call sign. Sam asked if We wanted to do it through the ARRL or maybe Anchorage Club as they have an easy online portal to do that. We may need Articles of Incorporation to do so. After some discussion it was decided that Sam and Garett will work together and use Anchorage as a means to apply for a sign. It will be cheaper than ARRL and probably quicker. Next on the agenda was whether we would use Anchorage for VE services. Brian is a VE with a number of Clubs and the ARRL. It was brought up that Ingrid is a VE and that Garett was going to sign up with Anchorage after he passed his Extra class. Sam believed we need four Ves before we can offer testing. And that we should try to get ready to offer it to those who might find the virtual testing encumbering. It was thought that we should offer free testing to our members and to members of PS1. Joshua said he thought a lot of PS1 members who want to get back in to ham radio or those interested would probably pass the technician test just on their electronics knowledge. Next item on the agenda was events. Sam thought the idea of QRP lab builds might be a good idea as He has wanted to build one. He was sure if He mentioned it on the Net and repeaters He would find some interest. Don asked if anyone had built one. Sam said He heard they can be challenging. Don said He had built four. He stated you don’t tackle them with a soldering pencil. You need a soldering station. It was brought up that those were available at PS1, at least to members. It was asked approximate cost of a kit. Sam said one of the cheaper ones was $65 dollars last time He checked. He thought it would be good because they were for digital only and that was becoming very popular. Joshua thought maybe we could get Don down there to help us as He had already built some. Don said maybe He could try. He stated it could take twenty to thirty hours to finish one unit. He said all smd were already in place but that you had to wind the toroid, and install all the other components. Garett said they would be like the ATU kit he was building. He has to wind the seven stages and place the components. Joshua thought an easier kit might be a hotspot. Garett said, yes, because Joshua has one that needs to be soldered. There is our first Donor kit. Sam said he would investigate further so we weren’t getting in over our head. Don said a whispr radio by QRP Labs was kind of cool and a much easier build. Garett said we preprint cases for them and have them ready to go. Don said you could build with or without gps and with Joshua said, with or without a screen. Brian brought up the fact that you can buy to pre-wound toroid from various places which would cut time. Not necessarily the way to go but an option. Next on the agenda was POTA events. Garett thought once we had our call sign it would be cool. He said we have time because it was definitely too cold out to play radio. Brian thought that the closest park to Chicago was the Indiana Dunes and that they had lots of areas down there. Brian thought there were a lot of official parks around Pullman Park is a National Historical Park, Santa Fe is another, William H Powers is another. Another consideration would be a field day. Cae thought that would be fun. The U505 activation was another consideration. Brian said they had worked the USS Lexington and a Civil War Submarine the Huntley while in Charleston. The club down there activated every year from the Sub. They were outside the building as the Curators didn’t allow anyone on the Sub or in the building to set up. Brian said He would contact someone who is a big history Buff who has a website named U505 to see if we could work something out. He also said the Adler Planetarium launches weather balloons and has a call sign so we could activate from there, though it didn’t have a lot to do with Ham Radio. Garett next moved to open discussion to see if anyone had anything to add to, or correct the minutes of the last meeting. Sam thought we should move on the Sub activation because that takes place in June. Brian said we would look into it next week. Sam suggested we do a field day first to find out if we know what we’re doing. Joshua said we should do a dry run. Garett said we could do that outside on the grass outside the building. Cae stated that She would invite some people in an attempt to grow the club, because she had been turned off by clubs previously as being too misogynistic and gruff for someone like her. She thinks this club is different and likes the way its going. Using Discord to promote all forms of radio communication, mesh, sdr, etc. for people who may not want to get a license and still enjoy the genre. Garett said that that was what we were founded on, more inclusivity. Sam suggested we have some plans by the next Board meeting so we can present them to the club at Large. Joshua asked if we could have some our issues worked out by the next meeting and Garett said He would even pay the extra fee to get them expedited. If the fee is paid, we should receive results within 72 hours. Joshua asked if that’s needed to finish corporation papers. Garett said He believed so, then get our call sign. Joshua said we then need to apply for the 501c3 status. Garett said we need to open a bank account first. Cae said she thought we were making great progress, but that everything shouldn’t fall to just Sam or Garett and she’s willing to help, just ask. Garett said he definitely would. Garett asked if there was anything else to discuss, there wasn’t. He said he had the next Board meeting scheduled for March 18, 2025. It was then disclosed that Don and Cae were both Canadian by birth. Don from Calgary. Garett said He would send out a notice ahead of time. He then asked for a motion to adjourn the meeting. A motion was made by Joshua KD9MXV and was seconded by Sam KD9BRW. Meeting adjourned at 8:30 pm
Joseph Murphy Jr KE9CMR