The Meeting was called to order at 7:03 by Garett N9HXR. First order of business was if any corrections to the Minutes. Joshua KD9MXV stated He should be removed from the list of Officers elected because He had been previously elected when the Club was formed in November 2024. Sam KD9BRW made the motion to amend the minutes, Joshua KD9MXV seconded the motion, the motion passed unanimously. Next order of business was the change to the Constitution which had been sent to the membership for study. The change would be to remove the past President from the new Board of Directors to eliminate the possibility of a tie vote on any item under consideration. President placed a poll on discord for those joining remotely and with those locally there were 11 ayes 0 nays. The motion passed.
Old Business: Corporation papers and Agent change. After some discussion, it was decided that Garett N9HXR and his home address would be used. He said he had contacted Kevin but not heard back. He didn’t want to intrude into his present circumstance, so would wait awhile then try again. We need new members; we’ll consider all comers. Just go to the WCARS website. Books from PS1 mentioned that PS1 helps Fund clubs to help them grow. To be considered copies of the WCARS clubs minutes need to be sent to the PS1 Secretary.
Cae being a graphic designer has come up several variations for our club logo, some of which were shown on the virtual mode. We will put a poll on discord when ready. Joshua KD9MXV thought overall simplicity should be considered to make it easier to make Decals, stickers, or the like.
Next order of business was meeting nights. Tuesdays are bad for PS1 due to increased traffic in the building. Mondays are better than Fridays. Wednesday option might be better for PS1. The second Wednesday of the month is in contention. It was asked if the Secretary was going to write the newsletter. No answer from the Secretary.
The Net was brought up next. Any repeater discussion should be brought to Sam KD9BRW. Sam will send out notice to change Net meeting. The next Membership meeting will be held March 3, 2025 at 7:00pm at PS1. The President asked if there was anything else to be brought up, there was none, so he asked for a motion to adjourn the meeting. Sam KD9BRW made the motion, which was seconded by Joe Murphy Jr. Meeting was adjourned at 7:39
Joseph Murphy Jr KE9CMR